- January 30th, 2010
When: TBD
Gate opens at 7:00am. Riders meeting at 8:15am. First Group at 9:00am.
Where: Jennings
Directions: 20 miles south of Valdosta, Ga, off I-75 in Florida. Take Exit 467 (old 87) CR.143 South for 3 miles. Turn right at flashing Caution light CR 152. Go 3/10ths of a mile, turn right at JENNINGS GP. (Basically where I-75 crosses the Florida-Georgia line.)
Located 2 hours from Jacksonville FL and 4 hours from Atlanta.
Cost: TBD
Mail your check to:
Steve Hunt
PO Box 9539
Fleming Island, FL 32006
OR PayPal to steverh@bellsouth.net
**Cutoff at a total of 35 riders. Not 35 per group but 35 total. We will run two groups using 1:35 lap time as an approximate splitting point which usually works to put about 15-20 in each of the two groups.
Free camping with full facilities. Free power in the pits.
Gate fee of $10 per person is paid at…you guessed it, the gate. This money goes to JENNINGS.
Show up Friday afternoon / evening if you want to hang out and set up your area. We’ll likely go to Crackle Barrel Friday night. Be sure to be back on property Friday night by 10 pm when they lock the gate. Plan to cookout Saturday after we ride.
If you get there Friday but after 10pm there is a pull off area on the entrance road where you can sleep in your RV.
Saturday Lunch: There is typically a food vendor or bring your own grub.
Questions or comments? You can reach me at steverh@bellsouth.net